Parent Guild
Parent Guild News
Welcome back to all of our returning Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School families and a warm WELCOME to all of our new Freshmen parents and transfer students. The Parent Guild is active in all aspects of our young men's academic and extra-curricular activities, and we try to support their continued growth in all that they do. We will be requesting your assistance in helping to make our young men's experience positive as well as supporting the school's goals and growth over the course of the year.
Parent Guild Sponsored Events/Fundraisers:
Mother Son Dance (Mom Prom)
Father Son Picnic
Parent Happy Hours
Meat Raffle
Fish Fry Dinners
Participation in any of these events counts towards your family's $300 mandatory fundraising fee.
"Like us" on our Parent Guild Facebook page
Thank you all for your continued support!
Fortes In Fide
Bishop Timon Parent Guild