Timon Sports Night - Athletic Hall of Fame
A Celebration of Our Student Athletes and The Induction of Alumni to the Hall of Fame.
Timon Sports Night invites all current Student Athletes, existing members of the Timon Athletic Hall of Fame, their families and friends to join us in a wonderful night. Where we celebrate the induction of new members into the Athletic Hall of Fame and honor our current Student Athletes for their successes throughout the year.
Letters of nomination are accepted year-round. Please complete the document below in its entirety.
Criteria for Induction
Athletes are eligible for nomination 7 seven years after graduation
Athletes must have earned an All-Catholic Award - Athletes should have been a multi-sport athlete
Coaches and athletic administrators must have served Timon for a minimum of 5 years
All nominees must have shown a commitment to Catholic & Franciscan values and sportsmanship
In addition to athletic achievement, professional careers and character are taken into consideration
All nomination letters MUST be signed and include name and address of person nominating the candidate
Bishop Timon - St. Jude High School Athletic Hall of Fame Members | |
Kevin J. Akromas ‘84 | Michael R. Leary ‘68 |
Lawrence W. Astyk ‘72 | Christopher Licata ‘86 |
Stephen T. Banko III ‘64 | Patrick Liebler ‘88 |
James R. Barnes ‘79 | Thomas Lynch |
Robert T. Barrows ‘51 | Harry Madigan `58 |
Francis Battaglia `58 | Martin J. Mann* ‘50 |
Dennis W. Bauer ‘71 | Christopher Marinaro '97 |
Richard Beamish ‘78 | Gerald T. Maroney ‘50 |
Thomas Beamish ‘80 | Ronald B. Martin ‘56 |
James A. Bevilacqua ‘62 | Christopher S. Mattingly ‘84 |
James H. Bieger ‘62 | Michael J. McCarthy ‘84 |
Erik Bohen '00 | Thomas H. McCarthy ‘52 |
George T. Breen ‘52 | William F. McDonald ‘58 |
Michael Buczkowski ’82 | Patrick McMahon ‘91 |
Edward Carney `70 | Thomas P. Merrick ‘54 |
Anthony S. Casacci ‘84 | Christopher F. Metz ‘77 |
Frank Cipriani ‘59* | Joseph Mihalics ‘01 |
Brian Clifford ‘03 | Robert Miller `58 |
Daniel Clifford `05 | Paul C. Mitri ‘66 |
Donald W. Colpoys ‘52 | Alfonse A. Monaco ‘79 |
Matthew Colpoys* ‘55 | John Montondo `50 |
Michael D. Colpoys ‘82 | Martin R. Munson ‘73 |
Charles Comerford ‘01 | Sean Murphy `13 |
David Comerford | Sean Murphy ‘04 |
Michael A. Coppola ‘79 | Gerald F. Nesselbush ‘75 |
William Crehan ‘98 | Patrick M. Nolan Jr. ‘96 |
Kenneth Crosson `59 | Joseph M. O'Connor ‘75 |
Kevin G. Cullen '84 | Eugene Orzech `58 |
John J. Davis, Jr.*‘51 | Michael T. Overdorf ‘84 |
Thomas Desmond* ‘50 | Patrick Overdorf ‘01 |
Adam Dimillo `14 | James T. Palano ‘69 |
Lawrence L. Doctor Jr. ‘82 | Mel A. Palano |
Michael J. Doctor ‘87 | Michael S. Palano ‘97 |
Sean P. Doctor ‘84 | Frank A. Panek |
Thomas E. Doctor ‘83 | Joseph F. Parisi ‘89 |
Joseph Doino | Nicholas Parisi ‘02 |
William Doll `97 | Gary T. Pawlik ‘87 |
Gary A. Domzalski ‘72 | Edward T. Pfister ‘57 |
Brendan Donovan `06 | William Pinakiewicz ‘68 |
Donald L. Dorr Jr. ‘84 | Butch Prozniak |
Robert Duke*‘63 | Joseph Purcell ‘59 |
Brendan D. Dunford ‘97 | Daniel J. Quinn ‘65 |
Ryan W. Dunford ‘05 | Jeffrey Ralabate `04 |
Michael Dzielski ‘72 | Dennis P. Ratchuk ‘68 |
George Ellis Sr. | James D. Rautenstrauch ‘50 |
Matthew D. English ‘81 | Patrick Reardon ‘83 |
Sean C. Evans ‘88 | Daniel G. Renkas ’71 |
John E. Ferraro ‘72 | Peter Renkas `73 |
Connor Fields `14 | Daniel Rivera ‘93 |
Patrick Fisher ‘91 | Michael G. Robertson ‘86 |
Timothy P. Fitzgibbons ’96 * | Nathaniel H. Robinson III ‘71 |
Michael A. Fitzpatrick ‘58 | Daniel T. Roeder ‘82 |
Paul E. Fitzpatrick ‘66 | Frank Rossi Sr. |
Paul Fitzpatrick, Jr. ‘99 | David Rost '73 |
William J. Forsythe Jr. ‘53 | David Ryan `89 |
Michael J. Frawley ‘55 | Kevin W. Ryan ‘86 |
Edward Gasuik* ‘50 | Thomas J. Ryan ‘54 |
George W. Gegenfurtner ‘59 | Thomas F. Sands* ‘54 |
George Gegenfurtner `59 | Mark F. Scarcello* ‘74 |
Daniel Granville '96 | Gerald J. Schlee* ‘52 |
Shawn E. Griffin ‘79 | Christopher B. Sheehan ‘82 |
J. Michael Grys ‘64 | Thomas D. Sheehan ‘86 |
Paul F. Grys ‘67 | Joseph Sheehan |
Thomas J. Grys ‘70 | Patrick J. Shine ‘62 |
Brian T. Guest ‘59 | Michael A. Simson ‘77 |
Brian Guest `59 | David P. Siwiec ‘84 |
Demone Harris `13 | Thomas M. Smolarek ‘55 |
James G. Hartigan ‘85 | Francis Snyder `70 |
Timothy Hartigan ‘83 | Francis Snyder ‘02 |
John B. Hassett ‘64 | James F. Sorrentino ‘57 |
John H. Heitzhaus ‘54* | Patrick J. Stanton ‘69 |
Thomas Herbert `00 | Howard Stutz `69 |
Francis Herlihy ‘03 | John Sullivan `99 |
Peter F. Hermann ‘66 | William C. Travis ‘71 |
Ed Herrmann`58 | Richard Valtin `59 |
John D. Hillery ’78 | Bernard Van Remmen ‘58 |
Herbert Hillery `50 | James M. Van Remmen ‘50 |
Robert P. Hoepfinger ‘68 | Thomas E. Van Remmen ‘53 |
Daniel P. Horan ‘86 | Joseph Ventura `58 |
Pasquale M. Insera Sr. ‘69 | Adam Vogl ‘06 |
Kendall Jackson ‘76 | Michael Walton ‘72 |
Gerald J. Janan ‘54 | James H. Wegelin ‘81 |
John T. Jerge ‘52 | Richard Whelan `58 |
Christopher Kane `10 | Edward F. Wiacek ‘66 |
James R. Kendall ‘61 | Richard C. Williams ‘97 |
Timothy Kennedy '04 | Rick Williams ‘74 |
Thomas P. Kilcoyne ‘75 | James Williams `58 |
Michael F. Kobis ‘82 | Thomas Williams `59 * |
Kyle Kobis `12 | Stephen F. Wojciechowski ‘53 |
Andrew Krause ‘00 | Stephen J. Wojciechowski ‘83 |
Roger R. Kremblas ‘67 | Joseph Wright ‘74 |
Michael V. Kull ‘65 | James F. Zehnder ‘63 |
Joseph Ziobro `81 | |
* Indicates deceased